Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Somali Pirate Jokes

These are my own to start it off. Add more via comments.

What do you call three Somali Pirates in a lifeboat ?
Snap Crackle n' Pop.
What do you call a Somali Pirate in a Japanese trade lane ?
Pirates vs. Ninjas.
How did the French Navy seamen defend themselves from pirates on their trade routes ?
First, they stopped dressing like whores.
What's the hardest part about rescuing hostages from Somali pirates ?
The parietal bone behind the ear.
What does a Somali Pirate eat for dinner ?
a 7.62 x 39
How is a Somali pirate like a Las Vegas hooker ?
They both take it in the face.
What's the differerence between a Somali Pirate and a Kentucky chick?
Kentucky chicks are fat.
What's the difference between a Somali Pirate and a Pittsburgh Pirate ?
Every once in a while a Pittsburgh Pirate makes it home.
How do you prevent attracting the attention of Somali Pirates ?

Keep a clean ship. Wash your dishes. Avoid smelly food like bacon and smoked fish. Keep food smells off your clothing. Store all food and trash in scent-proof containers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you hear about the Somali Pirate Cocktail?

Three shots and three splashes of water.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009 1:14:00 AM  
Blogger N074H4x0r said...

Awesome one !! You should have taken credit for it instead of posting anonymously.

Friday, May 08, 2009 10:01:00 PM  

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